*Durscheidt – Das Hotel*This hotel provides comfort for discerning guests and has 18 rooms. Make yourself at home and enjoy this Non-Smoking hotel. Your accommodation is easy to reach as it is located nearby the motorway A59. For those travelling by train, this hotel is ideal, just 2.8 kilometer from the railway station of the airport. The hotel provides Internet access in your room via a wireless connection. Use the hotel's free car park from the moment you arrive. A LOEWE TV in each room with an international television program cater for your entertainment. All bathrooms are naturally equipped with a hairdryer. Are you travelling with your family and do you need a cot? We will gladly cater for your wishes - please indicate them when booking your room. Forget the worries of the day as you enjoy a relaxing massage. Moreover you will find in this building a comfortable brewhouse. Pleae enjoy the gastronomic specialties from Cologne as well as the traditional beer “Kolsch”. In fine weather the restaurant opens its doors to allow you to eat outside. Business hours of reception: Every day: from 07:00 to 12:00 and from 15:00 to 21:00 .