The Astra Suite 427 is located in Cartagena de Indias, "The Heroic City", declared Historical Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO since 1984. Guests can experience comfortable accommodation and affordable solution, full travel services in an environment subtly brushed by Colombian art, excellent location at the El Cabrero and traditional elegant and contemporary touches. The hotel is 5 minutes from the airport and just two blocks from the walled city with a relaxing sea view from our terraces.
The Astra Suite 427 hotel has parking, ease of transport to sites, convention centers and town meetings.
Enjoy combining quality service and personal attention with the opportunity to learn, enjoy and buy works of Colombian artists who are exhibited in rooms and common areas of the hotel.
The hotel has 15 exclusive rooms, specially designed to give guests the opportunity to be in a different environment in each of their stays.
American breakfast.