Fu Hua Guang Dong Hotel is located within the heart of Macau Island which is the Macao's busiest commercial area. Nearby is must visit Three Lamps District where offering travellers the choice to eat from Macanese to Southeast Asia. Fu Hua Guang Dong Hotel also in the middle of the Macau's World Heritage area surrounding by historical attractions such as St Paul's Ruin, Mount Fortress, Macao Museum, Na Tcha Temple, Dr. Sun Yat Sen Memorial House, Guia portress and Lighthouse, Holy House of Mercy and etc, are within hotel's walking distance. Where you can get away from the hustle and bustle and feel the fascination presented by the minting of the Chinese and Western cultures over the past 400 years. Fu Hua Guang Dong Hotel is a three stars hotel characterized by it's simplified style, the hotel rooms are mainly decorated in Chinese style combined with Japanese style and European style blending with fashion and elegant elements for people whose looking for leisure and shopping enterta ...