Hangzhou Vaton Yunqi Resort Hotel is a five star resort hotel, having the service for traveling, leisure, business meeting and conferences. The style of courtyard enables the guests to enjoy the pure greenness of the nature, gives the guests a brief feeling of well being and health, and makes them to keep up with the current century. Having the rate of green coverage about 78%, the theme of bamboo, the style of fresh and elegant, Hangzhou Vaton Yunqi Resort Hotel has the garden environment which having the cultural meaning of the south. The various kinds of sceneries as endless swimming pond, artificial sinuous rivulet and so on, and the other beautiful surroundings enable them to feel completely relaxed and happy. Hangzhou Vaton Yunqi Resort Hotel gives the guests the chance to taste the particular meaning of south and the modern equipment and the individuating service. It is an ideal choice for business travelers. Hotel also offers amenities like: Basketball court, Dry cleaning, Lobby, Reception and Table tennis.