Situated in the commercial and tech areas of the city, the Presidential Plaza Hotel Beijing is well placed for travelers. This is one of the most convenient business hotels in Beijing. Guests will find themselves within easy reach of the convention center as well as near Hualian Shangsha. The Presidential Plaza Hotel Beijing is located on public transit lines, offering easy access to attractions as well as the airport located 16 miles away.
Each of the 486 guestrooms at the Presidential Plaza Hotel Beijing includes a wide array of amenities. Guests will find that all rooms offer minibars, satellite television, climate controls, tea and coffee facilities, telephones, and Internet access. Each room also includes a private bathroom.
The guests of the Presidential Plaza Hotel Beijing will find themselves well situated for shopping and dining. The hotel also offers an array of onsite restaurants as well as two bars. Onsite amenities include a pool, a sauna, a Jacuzzi, a steam room, massage services, and a fitness center.