Situated in the heart of the commercial, cultural, and entertainment district of the city, the Park Plaza Beijing Wangfujing offers travelers easy access to many local attractions. This accommodation in Beijing places travelers in close proximity to Tienanmen Square, the Imperial Palace, and the Forbidden City. Many other attractions are also within easy reach. The Park Plaza Beijing Wangfujing is located near the international airport, which can be easily reached using public transit.
All 216 of the guestrooms at the Park Plaza Beijing Wangfujing are packed with amenities. Guests will discover that all rooms offer a beautiful décor as well as high speed Internet access, desks, bedside control panels, and safes. Rooms also offer private bathrooms, many of which include such amenities as marble vanities.
Shopping, dining, and leisure activities abound near the Park Plaza Beijing Wangfujing. Guests will find that the hotel offers three restaurants as well as a lounge bar. The hotel also offers many onsite amenities, including a massage center, a gym, and a beauty salon.