The hotel offers a home away from home for all travellers with its excellent service and up-to-date modern conference and recreation facilities. The standard guestrooms are modern and medium-sized. There are soft chairs and a coffee table in a seating area by the large windows. The bathrooms are in good condition. The standard guestrooms are modern and medium-sized. There are soft chairs and a coffee table in a seating area by the large windows. The bathrooms are in good condition. The hotel is conveniently located on the east side of the city centre, near the famous Scitech shopping centre beside the 2nd ring road. It is also close to the city's commercial district and embassy area. The hotel mainly serves Chinese dishes in different styles and flavours, including Sichuan, Shangdong, Cantonese. The style of the hotel building is a mixture of modern and Chinese traditional architecutre. The small lobby is beautifully decorated with a bright marbled floor, a couple of marbled Roman pillars, and a stylish crystal chandelier.