Fujian Hotel boasts 229 elegant and spacious guestrooms with well-equipped. For the rich recreation facilities, provide you a cozy environment on your business discussion, conference and leisure activities. For the various styles of dining facilities, it is suitable for holding banquet and gathering. The conference room with fully equipped provides different types of conference, demonstration, presentation and dinner party. Meeting Rooms : Meeting Capacity Overview Ballroom Capacity: 260 Theater Style, 180 Dinner Style. Conference Room Capacity: 80 Theater Style. Smallest Room Capacity: 20 Boardroom Style, Ball Rooms and Function Rooms Fujiantang Function Hall: Size: 320 sq.m, Capacity: 300 Theater Style. Fuman Lounge: Size: 80 sq.m, Capacity: 60 Theater Style. Dehe Hall: Size: 64 sq.m, Capacity: 50 Theater Style. Yihe Hall: Size: 64 sq.m, Capacity: 50 Theater Style. Yanghe Hall: Size: 64 sq.m, Capacity: 50 Theater Style. Wenhui Room: Size: 64 sq.m, Capacity: 40 Theater Style. Wenyuan Room: Size: 64 sq.m, Capacity: 50 Theater Style. Wencong Room: Size: 64 sq.m, Capacity: 20 Theater Style . Meeting Services and Equipment Broadband Internet Access Laptop / PC Multi-microphone system with recording service Multi-system VCR Overhead projector / Slide projector Video / Teleconferencing Video / Data projector Others Features The Dehe, Yihe and Yanghe Halls can be used in connecting or separate mode, as can the Wenxuan and Wenhui Rooms.