Situated in the heart of the central business district, the Fortune Land International Hotel Beijing offers travelers easy access to many major attractions. Guests will find themselves within easy walking distance of Tiananmen Square as well as Chang An Street. Also nearby is the Forbidden City as well as the Temple of Heaven. The airport is located only a short distance from the Fortune Land International Hotel Beijing, and along with other Beijing attractions, can be easily reached via public metro.
All 168 of the artistic guestrooms at the Fortune Land International Hotel Beijing offer wireless Internet access. Each room also offers LCD televisions, wired Internet access, cable television service, and work desks. Private en-suite bathrooms offer showers, tubs, robes, scales, and telephones.
The guests of the Fortune Land International Hotel Beijing will find shopping and dining throughout the area. Guests will also find that the hotel offers a western restaurant as well as a wine bar. Onsite amenities include a pool, a gym, a sauna, and a massage spa.