Due to its geographical position, the landscape in the Patagonia, is very diverse and has an extraodinary and exceptional beauty. It has plains and extensive pampas, which result in a variety of geographical phenomenons, such as lakes, lagoons, rivers, valleys, mountains, fiords, islands, vulcanes, glaciers, ice fields, forests, waterfalls, and mountain forests, which all in all make up a perfect morphological harmony and results in a unique, wonderful spectacle that until a few years ago had remained nearly inaccessible for visitors who could only approach in a restrictive way - via sea. This has changed thanks to the construction of the Austral Highway, which has allowed to explore virgin and gorgeous nature attractions. (10/07 MQ)20 rooms of diverse characteristics but with an unique and high quality level, decorated with patagonean furnitures and taste. Each room is equipped with private bathroom, an oven heated by fire wood (low heat combustion), mini bar, emergency lighting, writing desk, hair dryer, bathing amenities, and larges terraces and balconies, furnished with comfortable armchairs for enjoying the landscape.20 rooms of diverse characteristics but with an unique and high quality level, decorated with patagonean furnitures and taste. Each room is equipped with private bathroom, an oven heated by fire wood (low heat combustion), mini bar, emergency lighting, writing desk, hair dryer, bathing amenities, and larges terraces and balconies, furnished with comfortable armchairs for enjoying the landscape.located in one of the most beautiful areas of the Patagonia, situated in the extreme South of the American Continent, - to be more specific - in the Aisen Region, in Chile, parallel 46º 53’ 47’’ South latitude and 72º 47’ 19’’ West meridian. The Hotel is located in the heart of the above mentioned area, 274 km South from Coyhaique City (The biggest urban centre of the region, with a population of around 50.000 inhabitants) and at 240 km from the airport “Balmaceda”, situated at city’s Southeast. International gastronomy in the restaurant where clients may enjoy the best products of the zone, such as heifer, lamb, pheasant, rabbit, hare, wild boar, salmon, etc. Mountain style wood is the main element of the structure.small in size very nice decorated if you like the Mountain atmosphere.