Check into the award winning Hotel Presidente Uberlandia and treat yourself to a memorable stay in a popular Brazilian destination. Working travellers and recreational holidaymakers alike are sure to find themselves enjoying all the comforts of a internationally renowned property, which is conveniently located for numerous attractions. Allow the staff to take good care of you throughout your visit, as you make the most of the on-site amenities, including the business centre for professional assurance. Three meeting rooms are available to satisfy your requirements and to leave you and delegates to work in peace. The fitness centre, rooftop pool, steam room and sauna give you somewhere to unwind after your VIP business gathering. This impressive Uberlandia 3 star hotel also offers guests a terrace coffee shop in which to relax with happy hour refreshments in a laid-back setting, and if you are looking for outstanding international cuisine, then head for the Olive Restaurant for a superlative experience.