Hotel is suitable for those travelling on business and also on leisure. The area have many big and famous shopping malls with restaurants and movie theatres. Amenities in the hotel include: 1 tennis court; well equipped gym; sliming pool and business center. (RC20/02)Rooms are medium to large sized, with nice neutral decor, offering digital safety box; air conditioning; mini bar; cable tv and internet connection. Rooms are medium to large sized, with nice neutral decor, offering digital safety box; air conditioning; mini bar; cable tv and internet connection. Hotel is located in a traditional business area in Sao Paulo, close to Nacoes Unidas Avenue and Expo Center. Congonhas Airport is only 15 minutes away whilst Guarulhos International Airport is 1hr away. Hotel is almost next door to Morumbi and Interlagos Shopping Malls. There is one restaurant in the building which serves international cuisine and Brazilian dishes. Hotel is a 7 floors modern building. Lobby is medium sized, with nice neutral decor.