The Bendigo Holiday Accommodation is located in the center of the city. Guests will find that the hotel offers easy access to the Alexandria Fountain as well as to such attractions as the Bendigo Cathedral. The hotel also offers easy access to the Central Deborah Gold Mine. Guests of the Bendigo Holiday Accommodation will find that the city’s public transit system makes stops throughout the area. Public transit offers easy access to all of the city’s attractions as well as to the airport.
Each of the guestrooms at the Bendigo Holiday Accommodation offers numerous amenities for guests to enjoy. All suites offer flat screen televisions, separate kitchens and dining rooms, and lounge rooms. The hotel also offers private bathrooms and a luxurious décor and amenity listing.
Guests of the Bendigo Holiday Accommodation will find a wide selection of restaurants, shops, and leisure activities throughout the area. The hotel offers a spa as well as massage packages. There is also a private outdoor garden located onsite.