The Eurostars Vienna offers travelers easy access to such attractions as the Votiv and Ringstrasse. Nearby transit provides easy access to other attractions throughout the city. The Eurostars Vienna offers travelers easy access to both the public trams and the underground subway. Both transit methods offer easy access to points of interest throughout the city as well as major attractions and the international airport. Taxi cabs are also available in Vienna.
Each of the guestrooms at the Eurostars Vienna offers guests such amenities and comforts as wireless Internet, minibars, climate controls, satellite television, hair dryers, and toiletries.
Guests of the Eurostars Vienna will find themselves near many shops, restaurants, and leisure activities. Amenities found onsite include conference facilities and an onsite restaurant as well as a café, a gym, a pool, and hotel wide wireless Internet access. The hotel also offers an excellent bar that makes a great place to unwind, meet with friends, or even to meet new people.