The Tuna Ranch Pole to 41 km of Buenos Aires, stay dedicated to the local and foreign tourism. Its origin goes back to 1890 when the helmet, of colonial style was an inn of rural origin. This it was a project own that we together organized to my partner and friend Juan Pablo, buying 30 hectares, with a left helmet, as we recycle in its totality, where soon we founded the Tuna Ranch Pole. The idea was to make our passion by the tourism and the pole a work. Today we counted with more than 50 horses, school of pole and equitacion, field of pole and taqueo, field of football, sink, jacuzzi, and for half-full of the 2007 also of spa. Also they festejan all type of events where the guests or protagonists can choose with arriving in helicopters; we counted on games for inflatable adults, cavalcades, shows live, giant screens and others. (enterprise and social Marriages, birthdays, goodbyes as a single person, events.) The helmet of years 50 was recovered and now it counts on sink, jacuzzi, fields of soccer and volley. The rooms smell of wood and the spaces are very ample for the times that run. the idea is that people live a day of field and can rest or practice sports, After a breakfast outdoors, the activities are varied: from adrenalinicas to those than they require minor effort. The place was born as school of pole - the specialty of the house and day or all the month is not only dictated to classes per, but also it is participated in matches with other property. The service includes the rent of the horse, the mount and I mark. In addition, with previous reserve, flights in parapente, small plane, helicopter are offered Although the fort of the place is the pole, the site does not have false pretensions and is very economic, ideal to discover the world of the horses and to approach the basic slight knowledge of this sport. When arriving, the interested ones approach at palenque see how they prepare the horses, prancing their tail so that they do not troten and placing protections in their legs. The polistas futures helmets are placed and mounted.