The Delmon Hotel is conveniently located for business as well as leisure travelers. Nearby guests will find a variety of tourist attractions as well as other hotels in Dubai. A variety of shopping and entertainment areas are situated within close proximity to the hotel property. The Dubai International Airport is located just 5 kilometers from the Delmon Hotel. The hotel offers a free daily shuttle to the shopping mall, trade center and the beach. In addition, the hotel also provides free airport transfers. Public transportation is widely available in the local area, making it easy to travel around.
Each of the 120 guestrooms at the Delmon Hotel is air conditioned and feature modern amenities such as private baths. Junior suites are also available at the hotel upon request.
The Delmon Hotel features three bars, an onsite restaurant, sauna, Jacuzzi, swimming pool and pool side bar. Valet parking and laundry services are also available at the hotel upon request.