Attractions nearby the Lyndos Hotel Knysna include the city’s lagoon, it’s most famous destination. Guests of the hotel may enjoy taking a walk to Brenton Beach which is nearby the facility. There are also natural environs which enable guests to engage in some bird and wildlife-watching diversions. From the Lyndos Hotel Knysna, the nearest large international airport is located in Cape Town, about 250 miles away. There is rail transit to Knysna which is generally available but which is sometimes rendered inoperable due to weather conditions.
The two units available at the Lyndos Hotel Knysna each feature private entrances. There are private patios attached to both of the units, as well. The units feature views of the surroundings.
This facility is small. The Lyndos Hotel Knysna contains two rooms. Despite the hotel having few rooms, the amenities include the guest’s choice of either bed and breakfast accommodations or self-catering lodging. There are canoes available from which guests may explore the natural environs.