The Ocean Stars Hotel Hanoi surpasses expectations in pleasure and business travelers for affordability, quality, and convenience. Nestled in the heart of the Old Charter District, guests of this Hanoi hotel are within walking distance to popular attractions, as well as ancient shopping streets and amazing restaurants. Guests can take bus transportation to Saigon or Laos, rent a bike, Jeep, or motorcycle, and use public bus/train service for getting around. Guests of the Ocean Stars Hotel Hanoi are also provided with free airport pickup for a minimum four-night stay.
Rooms at the Ocean Stars Hotel Hanoi are tastefully decorated and designed with conveniences of home. Modern amenities include telephone, Wi-Fi Internet access, satellite television, and balcony with magnificent view, private bathroom, and air conditioning. Guests stay in one of the 10 European-style rooms with imported luxuries.
Renovated in 2008, the Ocean Stars Hotel Hanoi provides guests with a luxurious and pampering stay. Hotel staff is available 24 hours a day, friendly, and accommodating. Guests love the quietness of the hotel, the great location, and booking services for various sightseeing tours.