The Cedars Resort is well located for travelers. The hotel offers easy access to fishing, swimming, and hiking. Oak Creek is located just outside, and the hotel offers excellent red rock views. The Cedars Resort is located along the public bus lines in Sedona, though most attractions are within easy walking distance. The buses are free to the public and taxis and rental cars can also be found nearby. The international airport is located in Phoenix and can be found two hours away from the hotel.
Each of the guestrooms at the Cedars Resort is well appointed and offers wireless Internet access. All 38 rooms offer king beds as well as small refrigerators. All rooms also include private bathrooms as well as private balconies that overlook the beautiful landscape.
Guests of the Cedars Resort will find numerous shopping and dining options throughout Sedona. The hotel offers bagels, coffee, and muffins each morning. Onsite amenities include a pool and a spa tub.