The Inn and Spa at Loretto is located near the Palace of Governors. The hotel offers travelers easy access to an array of attractions, including a number of art galleries. There are also many museums and outdoor activities located near this Santa Fe accommodation. The Inn and Spa at Loretto is located only 15 miles from the Santa Fe Municipal Airport. The airport and attractions can be reached via taxi, rental car, or Santa Fe public bus.
All of the guestrooms at the Inn and Spa at Loretto include televisions and movies. Each room also offers a minibar, a coffee maker, two phones, and an arm chair. Private bathrooms offer robes, tubs, showers, and amenities as well as marble floors.
Guests of the Inn and Spa at Loretto will find that there are a number of restaurants and shops throughout the area. The hotel offers an onsite restaurant for guests to enjoy. Other hotel amenities include a heated pool, a spa, a fitness center, and concierge and room service.