Abalonia BandB rests in the village center of Ogunquit, It is the largest BandB in the village center. The ocean is a 5 minute walk from the front door of the Bed and Breakfast. Originally built in the 1890's as a farm house and then converted to a BandB circa 1940. Antique interior furnishing represents the local region. The added touch of some modern furnishings compliments the inspiration that is Ogunquit, Maine. King, Queen and Studio's, with full kitchen available, complimentary breakfast included. While visiting our lovely Bed and Breakfast in Ogunquit, Maine -- a must see is Perkins Cove, it is one of Ogunquit's most beautiful spots and the place where fishermen set off to sea for their daily haul Perkins Cove - Ogunquit has become a well established art colony. The Marginal Way an old Indian trail takes you along the rocky Maine coast. The trolley stop is available just in front of the property. Restaurants and shops just in walking distance.