This centrally located hotel is found near some of the top attractions in the city. The Value Place Hotel Little Rock is nearby landmark spots like the Hindman Park Golf Course and the Little Rock Zoo. This location is found at 21 Remington Drive in Little Rock, Arkansas. The Value Place Hotel Little Rock is a short drive to the nearest airport.
For guests’ entertainment there is cable TV and high speed Internet. The Value Place Hotel Little Rock also provides cookware and kitchenware on request. In the guestrooms, one can find standard facilities like a nightstand, sofa and coffee table. There are appliances like refrigerators and freezers as well as microwaves and two-burner stove tops. Housekeeping services are done every two weeks.
Standard amenities at the Value Place Hotel Little Rock include laundry rooms and a front desk. While there is no on-site restaurant it is conveniently located to several businesses. For snacking there are vending machines provided. There is also a secure entrance for added security. Rooms come with free utilities and free maid service.