Guests of this Greenville accommodation will find that they are within easy walking distance of 60 nearby restaurants. They will also be able to find places to drink, enjoy the nightlife, and shop when they stay at the Pettigru Place Bed and Breakfast. The guests may also want to visit sites such as the Roper Science Center and the Greenville Zoo. Guest that stay at the Pettigru Place Bed and Breakfast will find some popular locations within walking distance of the property. To reach other areas, they will be able to use a rental car or public transportation such as taxis.
The Pettigru Place Bed and Breakfast offers 5 rooms for guests. Each of the rooms has a different theme and different décor. All of the rooms on the property offer wireless access to the Internet.
The 2-story building, which dates from 1920, has a slate roof and is on the National Register of Historic Homes. Guests of the Pettigru Place Bed and Breakfast will be able to start each day with a breakfast at the hotel. The property also offers space for meetings.