The Comfort Inn and Suites is 100 percent non-smoking and centrally located with easy access to Boston, Newport, Cape Cod and Providence. Whether you are celebrating a special day at the classic Fall River Country club, a walk through History at the Battleship Cove or an educational walk through Americas finest colleges the Comfort Inn and Suites will suit your needs. June 27, pool & area, closed for wedding, will reopen June 28th at 8am. July 4th pool & area, closed for wedding, reopen July 5th at 8am.
·From: Newport / Middletown Take Route 24 North onto 195 East. On 195 East - bear left turn onto Route 24 North, On Route 24 North take Exit 8 - Airport Road. Turn Right off the ramp and then an immediate right. Hotel will be on the left. ·From: Boston / Logan Airport Take 93 South. Take Route 24 South to Exit 8 - Airport Road. Off the ramp - bear left around the Rotary. Pass traffic light and turn right Hotel will be on the left. ·From: Cape Code Take 195 West - bear right turn onto Route 24 North, On Route 24 N take Exit 8 - Airport Road. Turn Right off the ramp and then an immediate right. ·From: Providence Take 195 East - bear left turn onto Route 24 North, On Route. 24 North take Exit 8 - Airport Road. Turn Right off the ramp and then an immediate right. ·From: New York 95 North Take 195 East - Cape Code, Then bear left turn onto Route 24 North. On Route 24 North take Exit 8 - Airport Road. Turn Right off the ramp and then an immediate right. , Local Attractions:, Local Attractions:, Local Attractions:, Local Attractions:, Local Attractions:, Local Attractions:, Nearby Cities:, Nearby Cities:, Nearby Cities:, Nearby Cities:, Transportation:, Transportation:, Transportation:, Transportation:, Education:, Nearby Cities:, Local Attractions:, Corporations:, Shopping:, Transportation:. |