The Oxford Suites Chico provides lodging in Chico California near Chico State University; Chico Mall and Sierra Nevada Brewery. The Oxford Suites Chico is also convenient to area businesses such as UnitedHealth; Norfield Industries and FAFCO and area attractions like Bidwell Mansion; Silver Dollar Fairgrounds and Feather River Canyon. Oxford Suites boast not only a great location but also guestroom suites that include amenities such as table; sofa; AM/FM clock radio; DSL; remote control TV /video player; hair dryer; iron and ironing board. Non-smoking; special needs suites are also available. Wireless internet is also available in restaurant area and front lobby. Hotel services also include guest laundry; valet service; safety deposit boxes; 24-hour FAX/copying services; ice machine business center; wakeup service; TDD Telephone Machine; sprinklers in rooms; lounge for guests; workout facility; steam & sauna rooms; outdoor pool; Jacuzzi; tourist information; DSL internet access in rooms; convenience shop with food; beverage; gifts and video movie rentals; . Conference facilities with audio/visual equipment and catering services are also available. When visiting Chico; California make the Oxford Suites your hotel of choice. Our tastefully appointed guestroom suites are designed to provide comfort and convenience away from home. When visiting Chico; California make the Oxford Suites your hotel of choice. Our tastefully appointed guestroom suites are designed to provide comfort and convenience away from home.