Boutique Hotel - comfortable - elegant - beautiful exterior and interior design with a southern influence. Tasteful antique and reproduction furniture throughout the lobby - common areas - sleeping rooms and parlors. Elegant and lush draperies. Extraordinarily comfortable beds all set off the beaten path in a park like atmosphere; whereas only 2 minutes from the commercial airport and FBO and only 8-10 minutes from downtown and the business districts of Central Louisiana. The hotel is located adjacent to the Oak Wing Golf Course - a member of the Louisiana Audubon Trail and next to Bistro on the Bayou - one of Louisianas great restaurants with dining said to be *as good as the best in New Orleans.* Travel writers and restaurant critics - including Southern Living Magazine - all agree Parc England Hotel and Bistro on the Bayou are equal to the finest hotels and restaurants in the city of New Orleans. Please visit our websites at and Our rack rate of 145.00 USD and corporate rate of 135.00 USD - although top of the market in Central Louisiana would be considered a bargain when compared to other markets. That is to say the room rates do not reflect the quality of the rooms at Parc England Boutique Hotel.