Visitors to the ancient city of Kiev are invited tostay at the Andrews hotel. It is situated in thecentral part of the city in one of the oldeststreets in Kiev called Andreevsky Uzviz. Thelocation is very picturesque with wide and excitingvistas of the slopes of the hills above the Dniproriver Podol and Obolon parts of town. St Sophiacathedral Historical museum Vladimirskaya Gorkapark national philharmonic society and opera houseare all within the walking distance. According tothe legend in the middle of the first century adSaint Andrew placed a cross on the hill and foretolda great future to the city. Nice and comfortable hotel within walking distance from all of the local attractions. Visa Support can be obtained at a non-refundable charge of 40.00 USD per person. Please note that processing of this Visa support letter takes 3 business days. Visa support letter will be issued by our partner - Arkter Company. Send all of the following information Full Name - Sex - Citizenship - Nationality - Date and Place of Birth - Passport number with issue and expiration dates - Location of permanent residence - Company name and address - Position - Consular address - Border cross point in Ukraine. Your Visa support letter can be faxed to our chain operator AcademService company fax - 7-095-755-8553 or emailed to VISA -AT- ACASE.RU. Your CC will be charged in RUB - Russian Rubles - by Best Eastern Reservation office in Moscow.