JunYue Hanging Garden Resort is situated at the Cingjing Veterans Farm. The architecture of this resort is in an European style. The slanting roof and wooden windows bring this building more European taste. The incredible uniqueness is the spectacular and exceptional view of the Mount Chilai in the view of the long distance. From this resort you can enjoy the magnificence of mountain scenery in the mountains of Ho-Huan and Chilai as well as the beautiful panorama of the great stretch of the mountains. Moreover, you can savor the sunrise and sunset along with the aerial view of the clouds and mist. The misted late autumn, the cool summer, the winter with a landscape of snow of the mountain of Ho-Huan from a far distance, and the blossoming season with a panorama of flowers all over the mountains and hills as well as the busy bees and butterflies all can attract the guests who live in the cities like you to enjoy the nature of this place.