Calla Young Hot Spring Resort is located on the edge Yangmingshan National Park and North Shore of Taipei county, called Jinshan town, a delicate Hot Spring culture site, as well as, a natural stop talks of Hot Spring Language a place you can renew yourself. Open the elegancy-like resort entry, emotions glued by the cozy and comfortable lobby lounge in the eye-windows and impressed with the extreme-simplicity stylish and spacious interior that accompanied welcoming with cordialness smile and lines of Nature Greens. Few areas intertwined with few lines which come to ONE, penned with Japanese and South Pacific styles of simplicity and relaxation that erect fully touching and spacious effects. In the room, enjoy the no-hazel bath in the Hot Spring tub with 180 mountain view. At the balcony, sit or lean back to fit to the Star-dew atmosphere for the observation of the mountains and night stars seems cheering up with the interaction of the moonlight and the singing brook.