Situated in Danshui downtown, approximately 7 minutes by walk out of MRT exit, Asia Pacific Hotel makes use of simple designs and colors to perform the high class and luxurious elegance. Painted glass glitters bright blue in the evenings. The unique location and architect design has been surely making The Hotel stand out in Asia Pacific. Designed by the Japanese architect Hirosawa Eiichi, Asia Pacific Hotel is the first green hotel that has indoor eco-walls in Taiwan. Guests can live in a building filled with sunlight, fresh air and water; they will be embraced in the environment surrounded by green eco-walls that stand alone among the metropolitan areas. Undoubtedly, Asia Pacific Hotel is the second-to-none choice in Danshui for those who pursue the atmosphere of human culture. Delicacies are the must-do during the trip. While you are enchanted by scenery in Danshui, Green restaurant in Asia Pacific Hotel is your must-go stop to spoil your stomach and satisfy your taste buds.