With a focus on quality and comfortable living, Amain Boutique Motel Danshui offers facilities that contribute to make guests stay in Taipei an enjoyable one. Guests can also explore the Mangrove Eco Museum with their family and friends at leisure. This property offers 65 fine designed bed rooms with private lift arrive each room. Rooms are well furnished with standard amenities such as satellite TV, internet access and a safe for guest' convenience. Offer five style rooms: Bali, Vogue, Classical, Dream and Zen. Amain Boutique Motel Danshui's onsite restaurant offers a western buffet breakfast and later, Chinese cuisines for guests to have a fine dining experience. Amain Boutique Motel Danshui features onsite spa and sauna facilities. RoomsThis property offers 65 fine designed bed rooms with private lift arrive each room. Rooms are well furnished with standard amenities such as satellite TV, internet access and a safe for guest' convenience. Offer five style rooms: Bali, Vogue, Classical, Dream and Zen. The price including MRT one day pass NT$200 First come first serve. RestaurantAmain Boutique Motel Danshui's onsite restaurant offers a western buffet breakfast and later, Chinese cuisines for guests to have a fine dining experience. GeneralAmain Boutique Motel Danshui features onsite spa and sauna fo ...