Guests that stay at the Ataman Hotel will find that it is within walking distance of the center of the village. They will be able to find places to shop and dine, and they can visit the Open Air Museum. Guests can also go hiking, biking, and horseback riding on trails in the area. Guests of the Ataman Hotel will be able to walk to the town and some popular attractions. To reach other areas, they can rent a car or use public transportation.
Each of the rooms at the Ataman Hotel has unique décor in the Turkish style. All of the rooms have a modern bathroom en suite as well. Guests will be able to find rooms that can accommodate singles all the way up to families.
The property became a hotel in 1985. Guests of the Ataman Hotel will be able to dine at the onsite restaurant, which serves a variety of dishes. The hotel also offers a buffet breakfast for guests each morning. The hotel has a library where guests can read or relax.