Situated on the western portion of the island, this Koh Chang hotel offers guests proximity to a village, Bailan. The Orchid Resort Bailan Koh Chang is situated in its own gardens. Nearby the hotel guests will find the most popular attractions to be the seashore and the interior jungle with its waterfalls and parks. There is a ferry service to Koh Chang. Guests may also reach the Orchid Resort Bailan Koh Chang via the airport, which has daily flights from Bangkok.
The accommodations at the Orchid Resort Bailan Koh Chang are bungalows. They feature modern amenities such as cable television service and air conditioning. The bungalows are constructed to blend in with the surrounding environment.
On the premises of this establishment guests will find themselves availed of a restaurant which serves Thai specialties. The Orchid Resort Bailan Koh Chang also has a cafe and bar which serves hot and cold beverages. The hotel is provided with a swimming pool which also offers restaurant services. Guests may enjoy a massage from the hotel’s service.