No swimming pool, but hotel has Thai massage service. Suit for travelers who need to transit to Thailand for short stay before heading back to Suvarnabhumi airport as only short distance from airport. (09/08SW)Room size is in standard, providing atmosphere like in home. Clean and tidy with air-conditioning, satellite TV, refrigerator, and dressing table. No minibar. Bathroom is small with only shower and standard amenities are provided. Room size is in standard, providing atmosphere like in home. Clean and tidy with air-conditioning, satellite TV, refrigerator, and dressing table. No minibar. Bathroom is small with only shower and standard amenities are provided. Nawarat Resort & Serviced Apartment is conveniently located on Bangna-Trad road, just 15 minutes from Suvarnabhumi Airport. Hotel also provides complimentary transfer from hotel to airport. Flight detail is required for free transfer. Hotel also offers restaurant serving international and Thai cuisine. A 8-story building constructed with concrete and glass. Lobby is small size with limited sofa seat. Lively decoration around lobby area.