The House, referenced in the Artistic Inventory of Portugal for its frescoes and mural paintings, is being classified as a cultural heritage building. Its composed of three main buildings linked by balconies and stairs. Its origin lies in the XVIII century and it has been the object of multiple ampliations during the preceding centuries. In addition to the three buildings in the main facade, there are two houses next to the back street and a pavilion next to the swimming pool.www.uniquestays.ptcasaterreirodopocoenAs the whole group of buildings is situated between two streets, there is in its midst a gardened citrus-orchard, a swimming pool and a small organic kitchen garden with a classical design. The borders are encompassed by clipped hedges and it has a pond in the middle. The House has been the object of profound rebuilding and restoration work using traditional or compatible techniques and using material often obtained from demolition. For the activity of guesthouse eight rooms where destined, all with private bathrooms, some with sitting rooms, veranda or private terrace. The existence of ample common spaces contributes to the fact that guests can either read calmly on a comfortable sofa or play cards, listen to music, watch television without being bothered. The decoration, of common spaces and rooms, is a perfect symbiosis of classical and contemporary, in perfect harmony we have a XVIIIth chest o drawers with a oriental chair and a African table. Colour was used in a brash way, both indoors as out. The pavilion and the space around the swimming pool are blood-red tone painted to contrast with the greenery of trees and shrubs. There are rooms painted in indigo blue, pale green and yellow ochre, all the floors are of greyrusty slate and the antique wooden polished doors with period fittings.www.uniquestays.ptcasaterreirodopocoen