This establishment is located in the Miraflores district of the city. The Miraflores Park Hotel by Orient-Express is close to many of Lima's definitive cultural and historic attractions. Within this area of the city there are also more modern diversions to be found including shopping, business addresses and various commercial entertainment options. The nearest airport to the Miraflores Park Hotel by Orient-Express is the Lima International.
Technological amenities are provided in each of the rooms at the Miraflores Park Hotel by Orient-Express and include direct-dial telephone service and Internet connectivity. Luxury amenities include granite bathrooms and large beds. Air-conditioning is a standard amenity.
On the premises of the Miraflores Park Hotel by Orient-Express there is located both a restaurant and a bar. The restaurant features high-end cuisine and the bar a broad menu of drinks. There is a beauty parlor located on the premises and a massage service. Guests who arrive at the hotel on business will find secretarial services which include faxing, computer access and Internet connectivity available to them. The bilingual staff can offer assistance.