The Spitsbergen Hotel excudes history and atmospher and as a guest you will soon feel the soul of the place. Svalbards's historic hotel was a former administration and representation building for the local mining company Store Norske. The original building used between 1947 and 1954 was used as housing for single functionaries. Rebuilt and converted in 1994 to hotel accommodation. Renovated and expanded in 1997 and again in 2000 with 45 new rooms, conference department and new restaurant. The hotel now has a total of 88 guest rooms spread out over 3 floors. Svalbard's historic Spitsbergen Hotel is centrally located in Haugen in Longyeardalen, with superb views across the waters of Adventfjorden and the striking peak of Hiortfjellet. The hotel is within easy reach of the town centre, local attractions and tax-free stores. The hotel has preserved its historic character from the time when it was a staff centre and entertainment venue for the mining company Store Norske Spitsbergen Kulkompani. The hotel is closed in the winter from 15 October to 15 February.