In the green border of Amsterdam is situated this recently renovated bungalow. Two guestrooms give direct access to the garden, the third guestroom lies adjacent to the sun lounge. A comfortable corner is arranged there for our guests; refreshments, fresh coffee and tea are always available. The name of the BandB is inspired by a legendary TV-program about books of Bernard Pivot. About everywhere you can find bookshelves, some in nicely carved wood, while a whole wall in Room 3 contains books. You can find literature in many different languages, books about art, travel, science and even cartoons. You can read BandB also as Bed and Book. Breakfast is served in the sun lounge. Enjoy it at your ease, at the time you prefer. We serve various kinds of bread, cheese and ham, yoghurt, cereals, fresh fruit salad and eggs as you like them. Information and personal tips, city maps, shopping guides and eating-out tips are gladly given. If you wish we can meet you at the Metro- or Railway station to bring you and your luggage home. For further transport we can also help you. A sleeping place the way we like it, with a good balance between hospitality and privacy. We hope you agree.