Trekking to the surrounding hills & villages can be arranged. and other service will be available such as Canoes for rent ,Traditional boat race, performed by leg rowers ,Traditional Massage Service ( can be arranged upon request prior one day)Superior bungalows are lake view and Moutain ,all bungalows are still on the stilts over the lake ,Wooden walkways connect the rooms with the main reception building,All rooms are spacious and include private balconies ,hot water .REsort located in the midst of the splendors of serene Inle Lake , From Yangon take about 1hr flight to Heho. and take about 1 hrs drive to Nyaung Shwe. From Nyaung Shwe Jetty take about 25 minutes boat drive to the resort .The maing dinning room will serving a variety tastes of Myanmar, Chinese, European and Shan cuisine. Cafe Paradise presents International Standard Coffee, Ice-Cream, Fresh Juices & Cocktails .Entirely made of local materials and local design,and All cottages are interconnected by wooden walkways .Small size of Lobby with sitting area.