Ani hotel is located opposite the Greek consulate away from the traffic noise but still close to all the business and entertainment areas.
Guests can use the on-site private parking place and at the reception desk. There will always be someone to answer all your questions and provide for optimal security.
There are 12 comfortable rooms - all beautifully decorated that provide for a peaceful nights rest. Ani hotel
The world*s best cities all offer at least one secluded natural place of retreat. Skopje has 2 - a long tree-lined park along the river and the forested hills of Mt. Vodno which overlooks the city from the south west and offers excellent hiking possibilities and wilderness serenity within walking distance of the city centre. The summit of Mt. Vodno is crowned by the enormous Millennium Cross high above the city. From there you enjoy magnificent views of Macedonia*s capital.
Macedonia*s capital features brand-new cinemas hotels and restaurants as well as shopping malls offering the latest fashion usually at lower prices than in Western countries. The city is a major regional centre for concerts theatre performances dance and sporting events all of which frequently involve well-known stars from abroad as well as the best local talents.
Skopje also boasts reliable public transportation services and taxis as well as a plethora of modern internet cafes for keeping in touch with the folks back home. Guests will appreciate the conveniences provided by this affordable 3-star hotel such as a wireless Internet access in the common areas and a restaurant that can accommodate up to 60 people.