This location is a short distance from the city center, and actually located on an island. The Higashiyama Dai-Ichi Hotel is located near many top attractions of Okinawa. The hotel is surrounded by acres of beach with crystal clear water and white sands. The site of the Higashiyama Dai-Ichi Hotel is located at 548 Shanado Aza Nakazaato in Okinawa, Japan. This site is about one hour away from the Okinawa mainland area. It is about 100 kilometers away from Naha City. Travel is arranged by ferry boat or airplane.
Guestrooms at the Higashiyama Dai-Ichi Hotel contain modern and luxurious features. Guests can expect standard comforts like color TV, a telephone and very detailed furnishings. Rooms are clean and offer quality toiletries and private bathrooms.
This is a first-class hotel and resort site. The Higashiyama Dai-Ichi Hotel offers standard amenities for this class of hotel, including an on-site restaurant, a snack bar and a lounge. The hotel also arranges for sporting activities outside such as scuba diving, tennis, and bicycling.