Il Noceto is situated in the Porritto estate, at an altitude of 1235 metres near the village of Santa Domenica Vittoria, on the road from Floresta to Randazzo at 30 Km from Taormina and 20 from Volcano etna It is a part of the Nebrodi Natural Park, bordering Etna and Alcantara Natural Parks. The Agriturismo "Il NOCETO" is situated on the watershed between the Tyrrhenian and Ionic seas,40 Km from Patti and Milazzo where the ferry-boats and hovercrafts leave regularly connecting Sicily to the Aeolian Islands in approximately one hour enjoyable sea crossing. Taormina, Giardini Naxos, Bronte, Randazzo, the Alcantara Gorges and Mount Etna (for a pleasant guided excursion in a day) can be easily reached, as can Catania, Messina, Siracusa, Palermo and Monreale, Agrigento and the Valley of the Temples, Caltagirone and Piazza Armerina which are approximately two hours driving from "Il NOCETO".The Agriturismo "Il NOCETO" has 14 bedrooms with private bathrooms, and facilities for the disabled, where 31 people can be lodged; the rooms are comfortable and airy; when requested, extra single beds and television sets can be provided. The restaurant consists of two dining-rooms and a wide veranda overlooking the volcano Etna; home made traditional food and vegetables is the basic menu. Our restaurant offers home-grown and organic food and also typical Nebrodi area dishes. Our own farm and other local products are on sale. We speak Italian, English, French and Spanish. This property has provided all content and is solely responsible for its accuracy.