Sitting on a waiving verge of a Tuscan hill, like a fashioned Old Lady, waiting to be seen by the passing villagers. To welcome you a double-lane of antique cypresses along the typical gravel road, leading through the gates into the ancient circular garden shaded by centuries old cypresses and acorn-oak-trees. Entering the stage of this “Piccolo Erto Mondo Toscano” so wild but still so sweet which will give the experience of emotional Summer sun-sets, as well as Spring bright dawns and uncontaminated storey-skies at night. The 17th hundred Villa, built on ruins of former Etruscan site, wanted by an aristocratic notable family from Siena, is nowadays a nestled retreat of rustic, but yet refined qualities in its up-dating facilities and services, furnished with late 800 furniture, emphasizing its generous hospitality of the typical southern Tuscan countryside. Time at La Palazzina runs sweetly and gently slow, and few days seems a small part of life where you have not stayed, but lived.