Very good standard hotel. It looks like the perfect hotel for business travellers. MS 03/07They are medium-sized, carpeted, furnished in a modern style, simple but elegant. Double curtains are coordinated with the bedspreads. The rooms are carefully decorated. They are medium-sized, carpeted, furnished in a modern style, simple but elegant. Double curtains are coordinated with the bedspreads. The rooms are carefully decorated. It is very centrally located, close to the yellow underground station Crocetta. Hotel does not have a restaurant but has a breakfast room, located on the ground floor. It is long-shape and bright, due to the large windows with light curtains. Simple but elegantly furnished in a modern style. This is a 5-floor building, dating back to 1970. Modern facade showing small balconies here and there. (Not all rooms have balconies)Large and grey marble floor with multicoloured rugs. Cherry-wooden panels on the walls with soft light lamps. Red leather armchairs, portraits on the walls, and decorated with green plants. Furniture is in a classic style. There are 2 lifts for guests.