This hotel is located on the edge of the pedestrian area, not far from the arch of Augustus and the Pretorian gate.
This is a very pleasant, modern hotel. Though not part of a world wide chain it has many of the attributes and a similar style of just such a hotel. The hotel is decorated and furbished to a good standard and is very comforable. The position too is very good, with easy acces to the pedestrianized area of the town.
This is a tall modern structure, 5 floors high, including the ground floor and constructed in light brick and stone.
The interior decoration in the bedrooms follow the same idea richly coloured upholstery with lighter, pastel wall colours. The furnishing is of a high standard; new, but traditional in style.
The lobby and public areas are decorated and furnished to a high standard with a pleasant mixture of traditional style and modern colours. The colour scheme is rich greens and light tan.
The restaurant too, tends to follow the same sort of feel. , but on the whole looks a little more modern, with a greater use of Polished metals and glass. The tables are mainly twin tables with whicker chairs.
5 minute walk to the nearest bus stop, 90 kms to the nearest airport (citta di torino), Close to the station (aosta (300 metres)).