This traditional Victorian-style House Hotel is situated in its own beautiful grounds in a peaceful residential area of Oxton, Birkenhead, yet it is only 2 miles from Junction 3 of the M53 and 5 miles from Liverpool City Centre. Privately owned, guests are always assured of a friendly welcome and a memorable stay. Combining cosy, elegant accommodation with convenient access, it's no wonder that it has long been a favourite of both business and leisure travellers. Experienced hoteliers Nick and Michele Burn have owned the property since 1988, earning a gallery of industry awards in the process (including the prestigious Merseyside Small Hotel of the Year Award). They pride themselves on ensuring that a visit to Riverhill is an occasion to remember. From business meetings and exhibition dinners to wedding parties and funeral receptions, whatever the event they have the facilities and the know-how to guarantee its a success. This property has provided all content and is solely responsible for its accuracy.