This hotel is found 10 minutes away from the city center. It is right across from the Queens College site. The Falcon Bed & Breakfast Oxford is nearby many of the popular attractions in the famous city of Oxford. This location is found at 88-Abingdom Road in Oxford, England. The Falcon Bed & Breakfast Oxford is just a short drive to the international airport and from public transportation.
This location offers 16 guestrooms for rent and they can accommodate up to 32 guests. The Falcon Bed & Breakfast Oxford offers only non-smoking rooms as well as modern comforts like private bathrooms and showers, remote control TVs, DD phones and hairdryers. There are also hospitality trays for all new guests. Decor style is modern and appropriate for this class of hotel.
This building is a late Victorian town house. The Falcon Bed & Breakfast Oxford offers a full English breakfast every morning or a vegetarian alternative. There is free parking here as well as a guest lounge. The property and parking lot are fenced in via electronic gate.