Kingussie is an ideal spot for day trips in any direction - Inverness, Perth, Fort William and the Moray Firth area. Ednburgh is approximately 2 1/2 hours away by car. We are well served by buses and trains. The railway station is a 2 minute walk from the hotel. Pick-ups can be arranged. There is much on offer here. We have a high standard of care and friendly informality. A warm welcome awaits you in this quietly impressive hotel, malt whiskies, local beers are guaranteed to make this a memorable visit that you will wish to repeat. If you wish to have dinner we would appreciate you booking in advance. We welcome dogs and even supply snacks! For those seeking invigorating activities, experience climbing, rambling, pony trekking, water and winter sports. Kingussie’s challenging 18 hole hillside golf course, established in 1891, rises to 1,000 ft above sea level, offering spectacular views of the National Park. The Highlands is not only one of the most beautiful parts of Scotland but it also has a whole range of interesting places to see and things to do. At the foothills of the Cairngorm and Monadhliath Mountain ranges, lies Kingussie, a paradise for outdoor activities and those who appreciate invigorating Highland air, dramatic scenery and Highland hospitality.