Portree House is a grade B' listed building, which means it is protected by various rules and regulations set out by Historic Scotland controlling the development of old premises. Designed by the architect James Gillespie, the original building of Portree House was started in 1810 and completed in 1817, the cost being in the region of £3500! Lord MacDonald of Sleat built the house for the chamberlain of his estates who was responsible for the collection of rents and other monies owing to the MacDonalds. A stunning refurbishment has created a lovely interior inside this old Georgian building. With rooms and our mature gardens overlooking the village of Portree, the loch and out towards the Cuillin Mountains, this is a lovely retreat - somewhere to relax with friends and family and the ideal location for gatherings of all types. There is an excellent restaurant along with alfresco dining areas in the gardens.