The Bowl, situated high above Charing on top of the North Downs in a Area Of Outstanding Natural Beauty (ANOB), was originally built as a farmhouse in 1512, and then in1606 it became a brewhouse. It has had a long and varied history until the present licensees took charge in 1992. The current owners have managed to forge their own mark on this 16th Century Freehouse. For those not content to just relax in front of the log fire in the huge old inglenook or play a quiet game of cards, dominoes or shut-the-box, there is an unusual hexagonal rotating pool table. Added to this is an extensive rural garden and South facing front sun terrace which is covered and heated on those more typical English summer days! There are also facilities for camping. As the home of one of Kent's most popular Beer Festivals, four top condition Real Ales are always available. The house beer is Fullers London Pride, the others rotating every barrel and often include Kentish ales as well as firm favourites like Adnams and Harveys. We offer a wide range of Lagers, Wines and Spirits. Hotel Rating: Visit Britain 4 star